How To Paint Trim And Doors?
Painting your home’s trim and doors can be a great way to update the look. We will explain and give you full guidance.
Deciding on the right paint, tools and materials. You'll need paint brushes , rolleres, painter's tape, sandpaper, and drop clothes. Each paint should be applied with a brand new roller and brush , recycling them will lower the quality of the finish.
Cleaning the surfaces is the first step of surface preparation. Scuff sanding and wiping down the trim and doors with a damp cloth to smoothen the surface also to remove any dust or debris. If they're really dirty, you may need to use TSP or homemade cleaners or a soap and water solution.
Sanding the surfaces with a fine-grit sandpaper will let the paint or primer to bond stronger and paint to adhere better and create a smoother surface.
Using painter's tape to protect the areas you don't want to get paint splash on.
Achieving sharp edges is possible with a high quality brush. Painting edges with a brush and larger areas with a roller is the technique.
To have a professional result , roll the paint even strokes and avoid leaving any roller marks.
Giving enough time between the coats , allowing it to dry. Let the first coat of paint dry completely before applying a second coat.
Double coating with finish paint is necessary. Once the first coat is dry, apply a second coat of paint using the same method as before.
After all necessary coats are applied and dried completely , remove painter's tape by chiseling at touching spots so as not to rip off fresh paint.
If needed, you can touch up areas with a small brush. You can eliminate and fix imperfections.
Painting trim and doors can be a bit time-consuming and might take longer than you expected, but the results are well worth it.